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Party Planning is Stressful, Guys!

I have several reasons to be in a good mood today. For starters, I drew on my eyebrows perfectly first time this morning (I know right??), I had already finished 1.5 litres of water by 2pm and it’s pay day! If I could do cartwheels without my boobs flapping about and the potential risk of me wetting myself, now would be the time to do them. This week has been fantastic, with a few down moments. It started well with our 8th anniversary - which is a huge celebration for us, but I have been getting more and more migraines lately which have turned me into a bit of a momster. Because of this Decided to go see a specialist. They did tests to see how my hormones are… and it turns out that I am a bit of a hormonal mess. No wonder I am on the verge of tears literally every day… and it would also explain why I cried (not once, but thrice) at the parents-teacher meetings on Tuesday. I am also apparently insulin resistant, which would explain why I gain a kilogram whenever I even fantasize about pizza. My slight (ok, not so slight) obsession with my ever increasing weight has become another reason for tears and much kicking of the bathroom scale. For our anniversary last Monday, Barry bought me a green dress. It is absolutely beautiful, but I caught sight of myself in a shop window wearing it and realized I looked like a Granny Smith apple on chunky legs. Seriously, if my thighs rub together any more, I could potentially start a fire and I have dramatically declared many times this week that I am “never eating ever again”. To help me feel better, Barry decided he would pack me a super healthy lunch on Wednesday evening. The reality of the pathetic state of our fridge hit home when he opened it to find virtually no food except for kids’ meals. The next morning I got into my car, looked down and found a half-vrot tomato in the cup holder. It’s the thought that counts, right? At least it was healthy… 

Another cause for stress for me is the planning of an upcoming kiddie’s party. Speaking of parties, how far is too far anyway? Has “Pinterest Ideas” ruined the Average Joe’s birthday parties for their kids forever - lining us up for disappointment and feeling like a failure? I mean, how can we possibly compare? How can we possibly compete?  

It’s our son’s fourth birthday on the 28th. We have decided to throw him his first ever party on the 30th and he asked for the theme to be dinosaurs. So, me being an overachiever mom (only at things I really want to overachieve at though… which isn’t much to be honest), I have gone “balls to the wall” (I still haven’t figured out whether that is a rude saying or not. If it is, I apologise. Is it balls as in tennis or the other kind?), because I do feel slightly guilty that he has received less – being a second child and all. Life has gotten in the way trying to juggle everything AND two kids and you tend to realized that what you thought was super important for the first one is actually maybe not so important for the second. Google has been my best friend as well as my worst enemy – giving me more ideas than I can possibly handle, but committing to anyway. Also, being on a limited budget, I convinced myself that it would be a piece of cake to do these things myself, with some help from my very (grudgingly) obliging husband. We have made several ‘dino hats’ while I am sure the kids won’t even wear; as well as cut out big dinosaur foot prints to put on the floor for kids to follow. The cutting didn't stop there either. We then moved onto dinosaur arms, legs, tails and heads to stick on balloons - which will probably be left in parents cars until they go all squishy and are chucked in the bin. But again, it’s the thought that counts… right? It has now gotten to the point where I actually hate dinosaurs. Especially the Triceratops. Do you realise how hard they are to cut out of cardboard? I have nightmares about it now and wake up with night sweats. There are scissor marks on my thumb that may never go away and I am the victim of several paper cuts too.  

I have wondered several times whether I was drunk when I decided having this party at home would be a good idea (and I don’t even drink). We have arranged a “mobile zoo”, which I am so excited for… but what is it rains? What if everyone gets lost or forgets to come? (errr I may have been guilty of the last one on more than one occasion). Everything will be fine, I am (almost) sure of it. There won’t be kids swinging off our light fittings from sugar highs and weeing in the pot plants right? That almost never happens at other parties I have been to.  

As the date draws nearer, I realise that I have so much still to do to make this party even remotely Pinterest worthy…. And who am I doing it for anyway? Well, Luke - obviously! And also for the photos that I will make sure he looks at often to remember the lengths mommy goes to in order to make him feel special. I will be sure to keep you up to date… wish me luck and say a little prayer for no rain between 10:30am and 1pm next Saturday. 

Xxx have a wonderful weekend guys

Meet the Mom  

Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Business Owner and Artist. Jack of all trades, master of none.

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